SRC Courses
We are pleased to confirm that our VHF/SRC Courses are run regularly through the year.
The course requirement is for 10 hours tuition some of which may be self-taught, and we would encourage you to read the material as much as you can.
The course comprises theory, as well as hands on experience with a GMDSS radio as well as further opportunities to familiarise yourself with both the equipment and the process by use of role play.
In order to facilitate the issue of the licence you will require a passport size photograph (not a Polaroid) with you name printed on the back.
It is important that you are familiar with the Phonetic Alphabet before you join the course.
The course fee comprises two elements:
The fee is £125 (non members) is payable to Douglas Bay Yacht Club which includes the costs of the materials. Because we are only able to accept six students on the course this needs to be paid in advance to secure a place. The course is not refundable.
Insofar as the exam/Licence Fee (currently £70) is concerned this is payable to the RYA and can be settled in two ways, either:
- bring a cheque payable to the RYA or cash with you on the Sunday of the exam which is paid directly to the examiner, or
- online at www.rya.org.uk/go/src which explains all payment options and gives further information about the exam.
- Visit the Club shop to book.
If you would like to attend then please email info@douglasbayyachtclub.com.