Are you looking for Charter a vessel abroad?
Then you will need ICC power or ICC sailing.
If you are looking for ICC Power, then successful completion of Powerboat Level 2, means you can apply for ICC Power. You will need VHF/SRC Certificate, and you should also check with your charter company regarding their particular requirements.
ICC Sail is more complicated. If you have sufficient sailing experience and already have a navigation qualification, then we can arrange a direct assessment for £180, which is a one-day assessment. You will need to demonstrate sailing competence to Level 1, 2, 3 and Seamanship Skills.
If you are fairly new to sailing then you will need to complete sailing level 1, 2, 3 and Seamanship skills. If will also need to complete a sailing theory qualification (Essential Navigation, Day Skipper or YachtMaster theory). Following completion of the courses, you should then qualify for an assessment for ICC sail.
If you have completed the above courses through Douglas Bay Yacht Club, then we do not charge for the ICC assessment. Please note there are costs to apply for ICC through the RYA and you should check with your chartered company regarding their particular requirements. Douglas Bay Yacht Club does not take responsibility if your charter company does not accept your certificate.